Alright, here's the last major event upload from that set. This time I was in Austin, TX attending RTX for fans of which I had attended last year as a normal attendee. This year I managed to snag a media badge for the whole event and it was INCREDIBLE! I spent so much time taking pictures that I didn't have a chance to spend more time on the floor.
Read MoreOtakon 2014 is here! /
While you're reading this, I'm in Baltimore right now attending Otakon! It's a massive anime convention that has some of the most elaborate cosplay you will ever see from all genre's of anime and basically anything else you might think of, and I have my camera with me!
Read MorePsynchronous City at Belvederes /
Taking a short break from event uploads to put up these from Psynchronous City Psytrance show from Belevderes last Friday. It was a fantastic time with a lot of friendly faces. There was a good mix of Ohio people and Pittsburgh people and not too many total making for a very friendly group.
Read MoreEvent Uploads - Part 2 - Electric Forest /
Hey guys,
Here's part 2 of my massive set of uploads. Pretty much only a couple days after what I'm gonna call the last second Buku/Sanchez show I was up in Rothbury Michigan enjoying the crap out of Electric Forest. Since I it was a vacation for myself, I only took my camera out for a night, but I couldn't help still snapping a ton of sweet photos. Hopefully I can get out there again next year and get more awesome shots.
Read MoreEvent Uploads - Part 1 - !Andy C /
Hey guys,
Been a while since I've posted here, and it's about time I've caught up. Because of everthing that has happened over the last few weeks, I haven't had time to sit down and go through everything that I've done... until now!
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