Back in the habit / by Ben Matzke

Hey Guys,

Been a bit since I last posted, partly because I haven't taken many pictures recently, partly since things have been ramping up a bit in my other work. There are a lot of cool events coming up though, so I'll hopefully have some more interesting things to put up soon. That should hopefully get me back in the habit of keeping this site up to date.

Recently I've taken a few pics that I put up on Flickr, so if you want to keep up to date with what I've been doing, give me a follow there.

Last weekend I stopped by the mostly empty Spring Loaded show at the Pittsburgh Coliseum in Homewood. Despite the lack of people, it still had some good music for dancing. Sadly my external flash was out of batteries so I wasn't able to get some clear pics. Then again, they had the smoke and fog on overload so any flash would have just made for a really overblown and blurry picture.

I only managed to get a few good ones, check them out here: Spring Loaded

A Few days ago, some friends of mine got married. It was a small gathering at the Magistrate so I brought my camera along and snapped some pics. Still without flash though, I'm not totally satisfied with how the pictures came out.

If you want to see some wedding shots, check them out here: Kishore and Becky Wedding


I'm still looking to take more pictures, so if you know someone in need of a photographer, let me know!